I don't share personal information here, but as Thanksgiving looms this is important. Hopefully it will help others consider how they spend this holiday season.

He should have had round the clock care, but instead an aide visited him maybe twice a day to preserve precious PPE because 8 months later, our healthcare workers are still working in lack. The doctor hardly visited to preserve PPE.


3/ https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/941071
My father could not have visitors. He was all alone in the hospital and his death was all but assured. COVID doesn't care about your feelings. It is brutal.

We moved my father into hospice.

My father was dying, in pain & often had trouble breathing. He insisted on wearing a mask 24/7 despite this, socially distancing & sanitizing his hands often. He wanted to protect those he loved, just in case. Even after his test came back negative.

This is love.

My father (a scientist) knew during COVID's incubation period false negatives are high. Researchers found in the 4 days prior to symptom onset, the probability of a false negative is 67%. It takes 5-21 days for symptoms & some stay asymptomatic.

8/ https://www.huffingtonpost.ca/entry/covid-19-exposure-positive-test_l_5f771d7cc5b66377b280e67e
I am sharing this very personal & painful story of my father because I want you to think about him when you think about your Thanksgiving plans. This is one snapshot in time. There is a difference between "want" and "need".

A virus doesn't care about your wants.

I came up with a few questions you can ask yourself when you make your plans for Thanksgiving. A virus doesn't care about your feelings. It does what it was made for - infect people so it can spread & spread. You aren't making a decision for you, you're making it for others.

Q: How would you feel if you gave your loved ones COVID & they couldn't go to the hospital for care? Hospitals in many states are turning people away because they are flooded with COVID patients.

A virus doesn't care about your turkey and stuffing.

12/ https://www.abqjournal.com/1518539/covid-patients-stretch-hospitals-beyond-capacity.html
I know you are tired. I am tired too. My dad was tired too.

This is not the time to be laxed. I hope you think of my father this Thanksgiving & think "If he can show his love by making choices for his loved ones to keep them safe, then so can I."

You've got this America.

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