The word "disability" has never been defined by disabled people.

"disability" is largely defined by able bodied people, by able bodied medical systems, and by able bodied committees.

Give it a minute. Let that sink in. #Disability #DisabilityRights
As much as we want to say that we define ourselves. That is not the case. The structures that control our world, and our lives, are shaped and controlled by able bodied people.

Our definition of what it means to be disabled doesn't mean anything outside of disabled communities.
Here's an example.

By tying diagnosis to disability, the definition of whether or not someone is disabled comes down to the medical system.

If you aren't diagnosed, they won't accommodate you. Even if the diagnosis costs thousands of hours of time and thousands of dollars.

Because, it's assumed that everyone who self diagnoses is faking a disability, until proven innocent by a doctor's diagnosis.


Because you'd be taking resources that they'd rather not provide unless you absolutely need them.

With the implication that you're a burden.
In Canada, if you have a disability and you're looking to get on PWD because you can't work. You need to prove to them that you've tried the treatments for your condition.

Even if those treatments result in unwanted or dangerous side effects.

There is no bodily autonomy for us.
I can't explain to abled people reading this...just how much all of this is dehumanizing.

To be forced to do things you don't want to, just so you can eat and live. To be asked constantly how much money you're making. To have every bit of your life picked apart.
Not only is your life picked apart by your family, your friends, but also the systems that are in place to supposedly help you.

Your disability isn't yours to define. Even when you can speak, you feel silenced. You feel judged.
This thread. This is what ableism looks like. It's invisible to most people. But it's cruel. It's cold. And people have absolutely no remorse for treating us like this.

And this thread is barely touching the surface.
If this seems like a rant. It's because I'm upset. I'm upset at the things I have no control over. The things that are blatantly ableist, but I'm not allowed to say.

All I can do is what Sun from Sense8 said,
This is what life is. Fear, rage, desire... love. To stop feeling emotions, to stop wanting to feel them, is to feel death.

I take everything I'm feeling, everything that matters to me... I push all of it into my fist, and I fight for it.
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