Too many 🤦🏾‍♀️Joggled a beam, led to a half-brick falling on head (as kid)—big gash! Fell off a tram at Ekdalia more(in HS);fell off stoop to ground, w/ concrete steps “breaking” fall (2020)—huge cuts on legs both times. Bamboo shNako broke under me & dad, plunging us into a pond 🤣
Once I was waiting on my bike at a traffic light and just...fell down sideways, entangled in bike. Absolutely no reason! Trip and fall ALL THE TIME. Sliced open the flesh-web at base of thumb w/ scissors once. Burnt tip of thumb off w/ concentrated HCL in HS chem lab. 🙃🤷🏾‍♀️
It was “fun” watching my thumbnail + the flesh surrounding it grow back 🤦🏾‍♀️🤣 This thread was a treat. The many idiotic accident stories here give me hope that I’m not the clumsiest idiot to walk the earth lol lol. Apparently my kind is legion! 😛
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