I deleted the tweet because I don’t want to be bothered anymore and have my timeline watched but I still stand by Sydnee. Very interesting that a white academic in power is utilizing her time to police a Black woman’s timeline.
The only reason I see this is because someone sent it to me. I truly have tried to move on and now a white woman won’t leave me alone because of her narcissism and childishness. I blocked her. I blocked her followers. But she won’t move forward.
I said my piece. You were racist towards me, assuming I was going to dox you and saying I was an aggressor because I told you I wouldn’t let you talk to me any way you wanted to and now you won’t fuck off. It’s reaching serious levels of pathetic.
I deleted because either way, I knew you wouldn’t leave me alone and you continue to stoop to new levels of sad. Please leave me alone. I stand by Sydnee and I will continue to do so. You haven’t won. But you have proven how disappointing of a person you are.
For everyone saying they don’t want to see this on their timeline because it’s just “drama”, you are part of the problem and you are going to continue to be the reason why there is no serious change in academia for the better.
Snow has spent the whole entire time talking about how not safe she feels but does anyone genuinely care about the safety of a Black woman who is constantly having her timeline watched constantly? I shouldn't have to lock my account and I will not. I want to be left alone.
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