call me plastic, stupid and whatever you want but Koeman was never a good choice to begin with and although we started well, he showed absolutely no flexibility in the tactics and the team works literally same like that with Setien. you know how?
you might say, we have been more attacking, we are playing with a different formation but let me remind you that formation ≠ System.

the moment you play Coutinho,Messi, Griezmann together tells you you learnt absolutely nothing from failures.

same problems- slow attack, same types of players in attack, lesser movements, no running behind the defense.

Ansu was an exception but now he is injured and we have absolutely no one who can make runs behind, has pace( may be Trincao).
only players who make runs are Alba/Dest.
we play so narrowly, so narrowly and it is depressing.

I can give benefit of doubt to Koeman since he doesn't have the personnel but at least he can change the system to bring the the best out of the current squad??
change the formation to 3-5-2 or 3-4-2-1?

Atleast Valverde*
*used 4-4-2 and brought the best out of Messi.
I am not a Valverde fan.
Wanted him out since that Roma game
But I do think till his 1st season, at least he had a plan, even though it was boring and pragmatic.

Riqui Puig was our best player after the covid break and the man can't get even 10 minutes. WHY???
BECAUSE WE PLAY 2 PIVOTS and he isn't a pivot.

go and watch Aguacil's Sociedad(which play him as part of dual pivot) and see how Merino plays. He just doesn't stand there*
* make interceptions, play long passes or tackles.
He is very fluid and mobile in the midfield who does works of an 8 too.
formation is just an idea, system is what you play at a club.

Don't give me this nonsense that Puig isn't physical enough because he looks like a kid.
Drawing parallels with Sociedad, look how their front 4 press the opponents collectively.

Aguacil recently said that even the great Maradona won't make his team(kind of stupid statement) because every player in his team is hard working.

Oyarzabal isn't pacy either*
neither is he a great dribbler but he makes runs behind, his decision making is excellent in final 3rd, plus he is creative.
on the another side you have Portu who also bombard the right flank with his constant runs through his pace and make life difficult for LB. *
Behind the striker, you have David Silva who also helps in collective pressing and creates many chances for both the wide players while the center backs hold Isak who is a very good striker finishing chances.

This is a well run system.
at Barca, it is just 4-2-3-1 and INSHALLAH!
I know it is a transition period and I know I shouldn't worry too much but there is an actual chance of playing Europa League next season.
Sociedad and Atleti are definitely finishing top 2
Madrid most probably too
I expect Villarreal to drop points later but they look*
* like a balanced side plus they are a side with good depth
there is Sevilla too.

I don't mind Barca playing in Europa but I really think we could have got anyone other than Koeman.
Just ending the tweet with one of the worst blunders by Koeman this season so far


Modric and Valverde ran riots in those minutes
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