There's a lot of chatter about the so-called "Great Reset." Some of it is conspiracy theory.

One thing, though, is right out in the open: the pandemic has triggered one of the largest wealth transfers in American history. And it's not trickling down. It's shifting upwards.
In many ways this pandemic has revealed the weaknesses of our globalized economy. Our supply chains for everyday goods were vulnerable to disruption. Vital resources like ventilators were difficult to procure domestically. International travelers were the early superspreaders.
...and yet, the people and institutions who are suffering most from the virus and the lockdowns are not international conglomerates or jet-setters.

Perversely, it's the opposite.
By all indications, we are going to come out of this pandemic with economic power *even more* concentrated than before.

This is why we need a political movement to fight for the small-scale ownership that keeps our families and neighborhoods thriving.
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