Submit anonymously the most fucked up shit you had to deal with (a thread)
lol my biggest anonymous submission would be: campaigns pay ur interns, yes including high school ones, yes including part time ones. Or at least offer need-based stipends! You have the money!
Submitting anonymously this hella passive aggressive email I got from my RFD when I was 17 dials short of dial goal that week 🙃🙃🙃
my boss asked how my vol leader recruitment was going 2 days before eday❀ that was the second time they’d asked how my work was going in 4 months
My ROD gave what he thought was a rousing speech about how we should all be prepared to stand up to armed militias intimidating voters on EDay, and then went on an angry rant because my team didn’t opt to work in person.
This happened so many times that i can’t count, but i need campaigns, etc. to stop using black organizers as tokens and loraxes for the black community lmao
Not super fucked up, but one time we were trying to train a vol on hubdailer and he kept calling it "pornhub" in front of all the other vols. after an hour and a half he just left
We had a ROD in our state who literally didn’t work. Even after organizers brought these issues up to higher ups and HR complaints were filed against the person for making inappropriate comments to organizers, they were still promoted within the coordinated campaign structure.
most fucked up shit: 2 staffers of color quit in 2 weeks over how bad the environment in our campaign was. also found out that people of color in our campaign were underpaid as compared to their white counterparts
on a coordinated where the fos started talking about unionizing. instead of allowing it HQ fired the fos who were the most instrumental in forming the union as a result we never unionized. we lost days off in Sept and had no hours cap & were working 12 hour days starting in Sept
last christmas before the caucus, the campaign decided to take a lot of our time off away last minute. my rod looked at us and said if you want to quit go ahead, you are all replaceable in under 40 seconds.
The worst, most Mean Girl-esque people are *always* promoted within the structure and subsequent campaigns and thus the corruption of one campaign transfers to the next while those who work hard get blackballed
got carpal tunnel and needed to see the chiropractor after sending ~45k text messages + emails for a few campaigns over the span of a week. :// Small potatoes compared to other people, but I had really bad joint pain to begin with & my wrist hasn’t been the same since
Worked a race 4 6 months & the candidate & staff never got my pronouns right after I talked to management 2x & was correcting them daily. Correcting people’s misgendering is hard but to do it 4 6 months is exhausting.
I need my fellow Hispanic FOs to realize that although they should be damn proud of their work, they don’t need to bootlick leadership. It’s leaderships fault we only won majority Hispanic counties by much less than Hilary won. Representation means nothing without real strategy.
Coworker bullied me and made uncomfortable remarks about my body and disabilities. HR couldn’t care less about this hostile workplace environment and told me we both had “communication issues.” Her behavior was never addressed and I fear for whoever she works with next.
: we all know interns should be paid and most staff should be paid more, but it adds insult to injury when senior leadership hits you with “we literally have so much money from fundraising, how could we possibly spend it? we heard one state bought a blimp, what could we do??”
a nonprofit in Texas that conveniently chose not to rehire several fellows that spoke up about staff sexually harassing and flirting with them while on the job. nonprofit also had to let go a senior staff member that encouraged a potential employee to not mention they were Muslim
Howdy! Worked for a campaign this cycle who, instead of having us prioritize our state, had us call into a Southern state and instructed us to use a stereotypically Southern (ie black) accent on the dialer because "it got friendlier responses".
a campaign I worked on told us to lie about hours when we submit timesheets so that it didn’t “complicate the issue of overtime”. Bit of a red flag.
intern had to listen to all the campaign voicemails, and oh boy was it traumatizing to basically get yelled at by Karens and listen to disturbing messages all the time.
Management got us together on zoom for what we thought was going to be a conversation about the BLM protests but it ended up being a ploy to undermine our efforts to unionize 🙃
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