Our new paper assessed effect of the #COVID19 pandemic on STEMM faculty productivity and evaluated differences by gender & child-status. Women & those w young children most affected.

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Pub link: https://www.liebertpub.com/doi/full/10.1089/jwh.2020.8710

Co✍️🏾 @DrBeccaK @reshmajagsi
-284 STEMM faculty

-67.6% women

-57% had children >18 yo living at home

-79.9% White

-75% Tenured or Tenure-track

-completed a survey about the number of hours worked and the frequency of academic productivity activities before COVID19 & after stay-at-home orders
-No sig difference in hours/week worked by gender (men= 45.8 vs women = 43.1).

-Faculty with 0–5-year-old children worked 15 HOURS less per WEEK compared to those with youngest child over 6yo or those who are child-free

-See infographic below for more details
-Women’s self-reported first/corresponding author’s and coauthor’s article submissions decreased significantly during stay-at-home orders

-Men’s productivity metrics did not change.
-Faculty w 0–5 yo children completed significantly fewer peer-review assignments, attended fewer funding panels, submitted fewer first author pubs during stay-at-home orders.

-Those w kids aged >5 years or without children at home had increased or stable productivity.
Take-aways for academic institutions:

-These effects have likely compounded for women and people with young children over the course of the pandemic and may have adverse consequences in retention, T&P, & funding of these groups in academia
Take-aways for academic institutions:

-If want to support your faculty, read this paper we wrote on what institutions can do to prevent a secondary epidemic of lost early career scientists due to #COVID19: https://www.atsjournals.org/doi/full/10.1513/AnnalsATS.202006-589IP

Co-wrote with: @nataliexdean @DrDianaMW
Take-aways for faculty:

-Be kind to yourself and give yourself a lot of grace during these difficult times. You are not alone. So many others are struggling as well.
General guidance for institutions on how to improve gender equity in academia: https://www.liebertpub.com/doi/10.1089/jwh.2019.8027
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