Domestic Deancas stories and scenarios; a thread <3
deancas are getting ready for dinner. Dean is teaching Cas how to make cheeseburgers. he burnt them a little but Dean doesn't care, he gives the burnt patties to miracle. then they snuggle up on the couch and watch old westerns together.
deancas live in a little cottage in the countryside. they have horses, cows, sheep, the whole 9 yards. Cas keeps bees and Dean goes fishing in the pond in the backyard. some nights they eat dinner outside on a picnic blanket under the stars
Dean wakes up to cas not in bed. panicked, he gets up and runs to the kitchen. "Cas?! where are you?" "i'm right here babe" Dean turns around to see Cas covered in pancake mix. "i was trying to make you breakfast but i can't really cook" Deans worrisome face turns (1/2)
into a smile as he starts to laugh. "don't laugh at me" Cas says pouting. he tries to argue more but Dean cuts him off with a kiss. "thank you for trying, now let me show you how it's done" Dean says wiping the pancake mix off of Cas' face with a towel. they both smile (2/2)
(human!cas) tfw just finished a hunt. Dean notices Cas is very tired and barely staying awake. Dean turns to Sam. "you drive home" "yeah okay sure" Sam get's in the drivers seat and Cas groggily gets in the back. but instead of getting in the passenger seat like usual, (1/2)
Dean gets in the back next to Cas. "come here Cas" he says, motioning for cas to lay with him. happily cas moves and lays down on top of Dean. "there's my baby" Dean says, making sure Cas is comfortable. they both fall asleep almost instantly (2/2)
(human!Cas) Dean is upset. he's had a long week of trying to find a job to provide for him and cas but he's struggling. sitting on the couch trying to pay bills and sign papers, the stress overwhelms him and he starts to cry. cas hears this and (1/5)
runs into the living room of their small apartment. "Dean? honey what's wrong? are you-" but without being able to finish his sentence, Dean collapses to the floor in tears. "i can't do this. i can't do anything right, and i can't take care of you. i'm useless, (2/5)
you should just leave me at this point" Cas couldn't believe what he was hearing. he pulls him into a tight hug, still on the floor. "hey, shh calm down. Dean, you are doing everything right okay? you're here. you teach me human things that i would have never known (3/5)
you keep me safe and happy and that's all i need. i will never leave you" Dean looks up at Cas with the most pitiful tear-filled eyes cas had ever seen. he almost started crying looking at him. "do you really mean that?" Dean asks, trying to get ahold of himself. (4/5)
"of course i do. i love you so much and nothing will ever change that" "i love you too Cas" dean says as Cas wipes the tears from his face. "now come one, let's get you to bed" cas helps Dean up and takes him to bed. He holds Dean until they both eventually fall asleep. (5/5)
(these next ones are just gonna be short scenarios less story format)
Dean and Cas washing Miracle together and Cas getting the soap everywhere
Dean and Cas having tickle fights and Cas is winning
Dean and Cas dancing together at their wedding
Human!Cas making Dean go to the doctor for ever cut, scrape, headache, fever, ect because he can't fix it himself anymore
Dean throwing Cas a birthday party and guessing his age to put on the cake
Cas telling Dean about how he rescued him from hell
Dean telling Cas about the stupid things he did with Sam as a kid
Dean opening up to Cas about how abusive John was and Cas comforting him
Dean showing Cas new music
Cas discovering video games and getting Dean to play with him
Dean and Cas doing bar karaoke together
Dean and Cas playing bingo in a retirement home while they grow old together
Dean buying Human!Cas sweaters for every holiday because he says they remind him of his wings
Dean letting Cas try an energy drink and him going bouncing-off-the-walls crazy just to fall asleep on the couch 30 minutes later
Dean and Cas playing tag in the bunker
Dean and Cas taking Miracle to the park and playing fetch
Cas getting flirted with by a waitress and Dean getting protective
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