The Storm is upon you whether you know it or not
The question is whether you are ready or not
Given what I see in Twitter posts, many of you are not
This gets far worse before it gets better

You didn't REALLY think the enemy wasn't going to fight back?
Just because Trump won the Election, and has the power to end this, doesn't mean he should. Or will. When he is gone in four years, you would just return to your enslavement. Or in time, find new masters to serve. What is really accomplished then?
Yes, that Oprah said it. Why? She knows you won't listen. That's the whole point of all of this. Q told us. People say Q is nonsense. Or too hard to understand. This below seems pretty clear to me, and it's repeated a lot.
Verification of what I am saying. This is all for YOUR benefit. So that you will be slaves no more. It's a very tough lesson when it's all you've ever known, but never realized. (The personal irony is staggering)
You know it's true. Why do you think you have to work so hard to keep your head above water?
Why do they make you want the latest things that cost so much? Why do they tell you you need
medicines that you can't afford?
Listen to the musical version. The truth can be found in many places,
But you know this, at least deep down. What you don't know is how to get out of the trap you are in. Well Q is telling you straight out what to do. Are you listening?
Confused? Perhaps this will help you. There's a reason the drops are so difficult to understand. This is an easier one, so we'll start there. Note some lines distract you from the overall message.
Once you filter out the information, which may be relevant, but not part of the message at that moment, the message becomes clear. Think scrapbook, but you are hunting for the pieces you need.
Use your intuition to find what you seek. The words will jump out at you and you will find meaning. When you let go of your expectations, you will see other meanings to the words. Q says double meanings exist.
That is one of the reasons the drops are so hard to read. Read the message I pulled out in green. Reads easier, doesn't it. Then read the meaning I pulled from the words, in yellow and orange.
I'm telling you this, because you are running out of time. Everything is about to break wide open. And when that happens, well, it's going to be Bibical. But not necessarily in the way you expect.
Certainly expect censorship to get worse.
But the Q drops go further and seem to indicate the Deepstate will stop at nothing to stop what is coming. To attempt to silence you.
Even as far as shutting down social media platforms and effectively the internet. Are you ready for that? What does this mean below? Read my decode.
What does this all mean for you? Stay tuned for part 2 of this special announcement. I'll attach that tweet below this one. Give me a bit of time. Here's some wait music.
Note: I said the date on post 4905 was wrong. Do I know precisely when this is all going to go down? Soon. Enough time to teach you what I know, perhaps. I know it's vague. My intuition tells me not to tell you. Because it would defeat the purpose.
Learn to use your own intuition. Read the drops. Learn to search for what you need to know. Learn to obtain that information from everything going on around you instead of being spoon-fed it by the Media.

Here is what I see happening here in the US. Severe lockdowns. Police State. And it will continue and get worse until people stand up and put an end to it. I don't mean your guns. I mean passive resistance. Everyone has to do it
It's already started in places like California. Who would've thought California would've lead the revolution against the Democrats (Establishment, it's both parties to an extent)? I see a lot in the drops most people are unaware of. Proof is coming. https://twitter.com/horelick_m/status/1331012098864926721?s=20
Huh. I made this MONTHS ago. Before I knew much of anything about Q (late bloomer). Sounds like the plan. Very strange coincidence?
You can follow @IronEagleQ.
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