Good evening, everyone! I've got 4 new wreaths that I will be adding to the ( )Glitermoon Shop ( )tomorrow!!

They will go Live on Tuesday, November 24 at 5 PM Eastern time!
Like last time, I will have them go up beforehand so you can preview them and make your choices ahead of time. I'm not sure exactly when at this point but I am hoping to have them ready to preview by noon on Tuesday.
I'll give a shout out on my social media: Instagram ( ) ( )and Facebook ( - so make sure you are following those to keep up to the minute!
I have 4 new wreaths that I think are not only pretty stunning but diverse. Hopefully, there will be one that is just right for you!
I've only just finished photographing everything a short time ago so I don't have pictures of the finished wreaths to show you here yet. But I can give you a peek at them as they were works in progress.
In case you do not follow along on my Instagram ( ) or Facebook ( pages, I tend to share all of that as I'm working.

In fairness to everyone, there are no pre-sales; nor is it possible to reserve anything.
I cannot believe Thanksgiving is this week!!! It appears that in this year of stress, lots of people are decorating for Christmas early - in fact, some people are even finished!!!
You will not find me in that category, I'm afraid. Not only am I too busy in the workshop, I've now got a kitten on my hands! (See below for gratuitous kitten've got to admit she is adorable)
I am in a quandary as to how to's been 20 years since we had a kitten and, somehow, I can't see a lot of my antique and glass ornaments being the most sensible thing to bring out. It will make me especially sad not to see them.
I'm still pondering the whole question. And I will keep you posted.

But in the meantime, yes, I will continue to keep making new things. They may dribble out a bit slower than they have been so I hope you will be patient. Of course you will - you are all lovely people!
Have a great evening, everyone! And if I don't see you before, have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Despite everything, if we think hard enough, we can find many blessings in our lives to be thankful for.
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