Thanks everyone for being involved in this study 👏🥇
Support & Collaboration: @Telethon_France @pfizer

I hope it will move the Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy field forward and convince more people to work on zebrafish to study muscle diseases 🐟

Behind the scene: I’m living with a congenital myopathy👨‍🦽
I do not like to say that life is more difficult with a disability, but you definitely need to take side roads, sometimes full of pitfalls, to achieve your goal.🧐
It makes you stronger and ready for the challenges!💪

Here are some advices as not to let disabled people on the margins of society
➡️Mentors: Don’t be afraid to hire disabled people
➡️Schools, universities and labs: Make your place accessible
➡️Agencies: Fund disabled people

➡️Disabled people: Don’t give up and speak up

You can follow @MatthiasLambert.
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