YCMN, DYE, and Breath/Last Piece are connected. A long but mind blowing thread.
#GOT7 #GOT7_Breath @GOT7Official
I'll explain the photos first. In NBTM, Mark is holding a cloth that is dyed. A similar white cloth appears again in Breath multiple times. The cloth appears when they say "you make me breathe" so the cloth, is you. Dyed and flowing.
At the beginning of YCMN, there is a sharp breath. As always it's the breath that they finally take when you come back. Another finger pointing to Breath.
I didnt dive to much into the MVs, but I think we should pay attention to the lyrics of each of them. All three may not be connected as a whole. But one or the other will always point to Breath/Last piece
In YCMN, the lyrics are "I dream of being complete." " You are everything that gives me breath. The final piece is you."

Breath. Last piece
Did you know that Breath is mentioned in NBTM?
Breath, YCMN, and NBTM have one lyric in common.

Breath: you keep me alive, I can feel it.

YCMN: You are the reason for my life

NBTM: You're the reason why I'm alive.

Coincidence? Let's keep going
Breath is the answer that YCMN and NBTM Have been searching for. You. You're the meaning. They think they found it in Breath, and so they need you to make sure it's real.
I'd like to point out that in each of these. The common denominator is Mark. Does it mean something? Maybe, maybe not. End thread! Tell me what you think.
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