My favorite paragraph from an @DeanAstumian paper:
The literature is rife with misleading models involving
two asymmetric energy surfaces with transitions between
them. Following observation that the systems are ‘‘far-fromequilibrium’’ many authors assign rate constants for the/1
transitions between the surfaces ad libitum for mathematical convenience rather than for thermodynamic consistency with the principle of microscopic reversibility. They then go on to draw incorrect conclusions, augmented with Kiplingesque ‘‘just so stories’’ to accompany a/2
diagram like the one in Fig. 8c.
Blackmond,36 in the context of the origins of chirality in
molecular systems, describes, in a wonderfully evocative and appropriately disparaging way, models that are not consistent with microscopic reversibility as ‘‘when pigs fly’’ chemistry. /3
Regrettably, flying pig models of molecular machines often
reinforce preconceived, but incorrect notions of how molecular machines work./end
Chem Soc tutorial review: DOI: 10.1039/c7cs00068e
My new byline:
"wonderfully evocative and
appropriately disparaging"
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