Looking for info on the ICE contract at the Hudson County jail? Here’s one place to start: https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1J0oHVtOZxMNB0x3JVRDXB4aCssHaciY8t5paIKQcM4o/mobilebasic
There were a slew of prisoner deaths, many of which could have been prevented, around 2017-2019. Here's another, but there were many: https://www.prisonlegalnews.org/news/2018/may/18/hudson-county-settles-407500-over-wrongful-death-new-jersey-inmate/
This is horrendous. Something very, very wrong is going on at this jail, and it's not being addressed. I've barely scratched the surface and that's seven people who have died at this jail (there's more!).
None of this is normal. Even for a country that routinely locks people up for long periods of time for minor infractions -- come on, this is NOT normal. And now the HC Freeholders are getting ready to rubber stamp their support of this jail, again.
To my mind? We have to rip this whole jail apart. Whatever is going on there is not ok and has to be stopped. But for a start, we can end the ICE contract.

Ok so now on to "what can I do?" Next tweet...
They don't want you to show up.

They want to do this in the dark.

They REALLY don't want you to use the "raise hand" feature right at the beginning to comment on Agenda Item number 26.
In particular? We really need people in Freeholder Cifelli, Walker, and Romano's district to speak up and apply pressure.

Walker... like Jerry Walker. Like: DOWNTOWN JC, COME ON BABY. My freeholder (O'Dea) has been good on this. HELLO COME ON WALKER!!!
Can't make it? want to email instead??? Because my biggest reach is in JC, here we go:
[email protected]
(all the other emails are on the link in the first tweet)
Come on Ward E!! You tell the rest of JC how lefty and crunchy you are... come through!
Ok, I'm gonna end this here because it's too long. Follow @mattkatz00 for more info on the meeting; hope to see you there; I'm gonna post some graphics in Fleets.

The HC jail is fucked up. We can't keep feeding this beast.
You can follow @amywilson.
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