It makes me intensely sad how hard it is to find good examples of healed, happy gender affirming surgery results (vaginoplasties, phalloplasties, etc) Searching for neovaginas when I was considering surgery mostly just got me terrifying mid-surgery or immediate post-surgery shots
Don't get me wrong I think pictures of healing surgeries are super useful to help people normalize their own healing post surgery but as someone with severe medical squicks that kinda set me back on the whole process. I wish for better for our people.
Like transbucket exists and it's nice! And there are occasional Imgur galleries or Reddit links quietly passed around via private messages but argh
It's fucking frustrating. The lies that transphobes spread about our surgeries are endemic but our joy is passed around via whisper networks at best.
For all that transphobes claim to be silenced, I'm extremely aware of how much we trans people stifle ourselves to avoid harassment and violence. Weird that the free speech defenders don't rush to us with book deals like they do for them.
Know that if I someday end up posting my cunt on main it's out of goddamn praxis
Like because I'm vocal about this I've had several artists talk to me about my genitals simply because they had never seen healed neovulvas before and didn't know how to draw them. Isn't that fucking sad? Don't we deserve better???
(to be clear said artists were rad and I don't mean "don't we deserve better" in terms of artists wanting to be informed. Just that the resources should be available that they shouldn't have to approach an individual for help with it)
[ NSFW ]

In positive news on this general front here's a guide to drawing AFAB genitals including some references about how T affects them! Very excellent resource

(Hat tip for this to @/LiteralGrill for bringing this to my attention)
Since this thread is getting a bit of traction know that if you're getting a vaginoplasty and don't have anyone to ask questions about, my DMs are open (mine was from Brassard at GRS Montreal, for specificity). I only have so many spoons but try to be a resource as much as I can
And if anyone wants to start some sort of anonymous trans surgery results gallery please do we need more resources
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