Really cute and endearing things that Namjoon has done to make you smile — a thread
When joon squished his own cheekies
Kisses for his animal friend
He is so tiny omg
When he explained how ‘mi casa’ sounded the best instead of ‘my home’ or ‘my house’
When the sweet boy needed help with his seat belt
Namjoon explaining how he doesn’t like seafood
Joonie was excited
Namjoon asking the members to play and catch Pokemon with him omg
Please he is so precious
Namjoon catching the crabs :(
When he talks to himself in the third person
Namjoon singing to himself
Please how shy and giggly he got talking about his love for trees
The way this was like someone trying to talk to their crush
I will cry
The concentration on his face is too cute
This just this. This is so joonie
Joonie eating gummies & drinking coffee while reading his book
The way he was praising jungkook
When he made the cutest joke ever
I still think this is the sweetest and funniest thing
Forever sobbing
Namjoon talking about how he chats to his bonsais and plants
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