Hi. I see you’re a former prosecutor. I’m curious how many poor black defendants you decided to let history, not a jury, judge. Or is that reserved for powerful white fascists? https://twitter.com/RDEliason/status/1330865984656257027
I would sincerely like an answer to this question!

Do "let history judge Trump" types have a list of crimes they think should be prosecuted in 8th grade social studies rather than courtrooms?
Or is not at all about the crime and it's that some people are Too Big To Prosecute?
Also: It’s absolutely *wild* that an actual professor at a prestigious university would write an op-ed making “the case for letting history, not a jury, judge Trump” without using the words “Nixon” or “Iran-Contra,” like we haven’t already tried this no-accountability bullshit.
Also *wild* that any editor would publish it!How does that work?

PROFESSOR: “Here’s an op-ed saying we should keep doing a thing that always backfires.”

EDITOR: “I shall stop the presses to run this vital perspective!”
Ah, yes, who can forget how the lack of accountability for Iran-Contra healed our divisions and led Republicans to accept Bill Clinton? Or how the lack of accountability for Iraq lies/torture/domestic spying led to the Obama era of bipartisan bonhomie? https://twitter.com/RDEliason/status/1328803412532727816
My entire life, all 45 years of it, has been elites deciding not to hold Republicans accountable for their escalating series of misdeeds, and the GOP responding by becoming ever more hostile and lawless. GTFO with this “accountability will divide us” bullshit. Read a book!
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