After I pointed out all the times in 2020 that Ohio native Kyle Lamb (who was just hired as a Florida COVID-19 data analyst) laughed & mocked the notion of us hitting 10k cases in a day...

...Lamb blocked me and deleted all those tweets. But don't worry Kyle, I have screenshots.
Crap, better go scrub all those tweets where I spent months insulting Dr. Acton, the state health department and all the people who warned Ohio could spiral out of control without proper mitigation strategies....hopefully nobody sees these at my Florida COVID-19 office...
Nailed, it Kyle! (part 1)
Nailed it, Kyle! (part 2)

Weird how much he was ready to dunk on folks when he thought he was right, yet how quick he is to block someone/delete tweets when it's pointed out how wrong he was.

Maybe somebody else can ask him. Since he's not brave enough to answer me.
One more time:

The lesson here isn't that guessing wrong on COVID = makes you an idiot.

The lesson here is people with no skills, education and expertise in public health shouldn't act so damn sure of how right they are. Because they often aren't. And it costs lives.
Kyle has now set his entire account to private. That's how proud he is of his expert coronavirus analysis.

While even more cowardly, this at least shields the rest of Twitter from his chronic wrongness. So that's a win in my book! Thanks Kyle!
You can follow @Tylerjoelb.
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