Hi I know eef supporting c*rson is v problematic but we need to remember that we know nothing about their friendship/relationship outside of the internet. U can’t just cancel people in ur real life like we do on the internet. I only say this cause I know people are upset and hurt
by c*rson s tweets. I’m not excusing c*rson cause I’ve seen his tweets and they’re disgusting and vile. But policing people that we really have no control over and telling them to drop someone in their life at the drop of a hat isn’t ok and flooding Ethans mentions isnt either.
Im not saying that c*rson doesn’t deserve to be canceled because he hasn’t taken accountability for his tweets and that’s terrible. Like keep exposing him it’s what he deserves but just dont go screaming on the tl about how Ethan now deserves to get canceled for wearing his merch
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