Starmer is panicking.

I have thought about the latest attempt to publicly humiliate Me Corbyn, and some absolutely vital questions need answering by Nick Brown and Keir Starmer.

Why now? Why not last week?

Why have they come up with this ludicrous response now? 1/7
Why is this being done in public and not via the normal channels? This is completely extraordinary.

If it’s about “transparency”, release the WhatsApps messages between a key Starmer aide and Corbyn’s representatives prior to last weeks NEC panel. Nothing to hide? 2/7
Why has Starmer suddenly decided to stand aside and let the Chief Whip manage it all when he was opposed to the whip being withheld?

What are you hiding, Sir Keir? I think I know. 3/7
The negotiations between Starmer’s key aide and Corbyn’s representatives will come out in court. Starmer knows this.

The negotiations will prove political interference on behalf of the key aide, won’t they, Keir?

And that’s the Starmer leadership over. 4/7
So, they’ve sent Chief Whip Nick Brown out to save them, with the ludicrous new agreement, which is designed to humiliate Mr Corbyn, and save the Labour Party ending up in court.

1 person close to the Leadership tells me I am “about right”. 5/7
This new agreement is designed to cover their tracks. No court means no revelations of political interference. It’s really that simple.

Starmer and his team are up to their eyeballs in the messy stuff, once again. 6/7
Corbyn will choose his own response, but if it was me, I would be privately asking Starmer to publicly apologise, or expose the whole sordid stitch up in court.

Humiliate and save face is the new tactic from a panicking, flawed leadership.

We see you Starmer.

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