THREAD: advanced guide on how to fly after covering yourself in oil.
If you have tried to do it previously but failed, this thread is for you.
The guide in the image below provides everything you need to know, but I will share some of my personal experiences I had while flying.
(1) Don't be afraid to fail.
Let me tell you, I had more than my fair share of trips to the hospital due to broken bones.
If you let fear control you, your muscles will tense up and you will fail.
Just trust the troll -- it will work out.
To fly your heart has to be as light as a feather, not chained by fear.
If you fear the flight, if you fear heights, if fear takes over you I can guarantee -- YOU WILL FAIL.
So relax. Cover yourself in oil, Give yourself up to the flight.
Trust the oil to propel you upwards.
(2) Choosing a good starting point.
Like in the comic, starting from a tall building is usually the best.
Not many make this mistake, but I will repeat it just in case.
It's best to start from a tall place, so that the oil has time to propel you upwards.
At the start of the flight, before the water droplets reach you, gravity will be a stronger force than the floating of oil, therefore you will go downwards for a bit before going upwards.
Therefore choosing a high spot is crucial for success, I learned this the hard way.
I don't recommend flying from a lower height than 25 meters (80 feet), or 5-7 stories. The higher the better -- always.

Also, I recommend choosing a spot where you feel safe, for example your home. Feeling safe and confident is a gateway to success.
(3) Choosing your oil.
My personal preference is pure extra virgin olive oil, but pretty much any oil will work.
Cooking oil, palm oil, walnut oil.
I even have a friend that uses coconut oil, even though it is very hard to apply on your body if you want to fully cover yourself.
I recommend experimenting with what works best for you.
The actual flight is not the only thing that matters, choose something with the most pleasant aroma and something that tastes the best for you. Remember -- the most important rule is to have fun.
I will add this, I, and everyone else whom I talked to about this, all say that it's the hardest to fly using vegetable oil, make of this what you will.
(4) Waiting for the right rain.
A drizzle probably won't be enough to let you fly unless you are very experienced.
A heavy rain is best. If you are new I recommend waiting for a downpour.

Also as strange as it may sound strange, I've had surprisingly good results with sleet.
(5) Actually flying.
Just let yourself go, it's really that simple.
At first I always make a strong leap forwards and spread my body out as if I'm flying with a wingsuit.
Keep your muscles relaxed, if you tense them up at the start you might lose balance and possibly fall around 5-10 meters, which in some cases could be fatal.
After you have been in the air for around 30 seconds there's really nothng you can do to fail this, enjoy the flight :)
(6) Maneuvering.
There's really nothing to add here. Once you have been in the air for around 20 seconds you will get the hang of it.
Feel the spots that make you go up, feel the currents of air.
It's simple, really.
(7) Controlling your altitude.
Just like in (6), it's really not hard.
If you spread out your body, you will go up.
If you keep your hands and legs close to you, you will go down.
Careful when ending the flight: you don't want to crash with lots of force and break your legs.
Also, I don't recommend going too far up.
The max height is around 2000 meters (6500 feet), which is where rain clouds are. But it is very very cold. Stay up there too long and you will get hypothermia. Just use common sense.
(8) Speed.
The air currents dictate your speed, use them to your advantage. Just like with height and maneuvering you will get the hang of this pretty fast.
(9) Length of flight.
About 2 hours is as long as you can go without any oil refills, especially if you are using good quality oil that doesn't easily get washed off by rainwater. If you are going for longer flights definitely keep an extra bottle for a "refill."
It's not hard to cover yourself again mid-flight.
Once you've been flying for a few minutes even standing still, while in a normal standing position is extremely easy, so covering yourself again is simple.
Also check your weather forecast, don't forget -- you need rain to fly.
(10) Mindset.
Think of yourself as a bird; just gliding through the sky.
Remember what I said before -- fear is your worst enemy.
Think of this as something natural, something that you can easily do.
Fun fact: this is how most movie scenes where humans fly are filmed!
That's all I really have to say in this thread, thank you everyone for reading.
This thread is written thanks to hours of personal experience, but what works fo me may not work for you.
Just remember, IT IS POSSIBLE!
Young or old, YOU CAN MASTER IT!
It's SIMPLE! And it is also an EXTREMELY healthy, practical exercise!

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