Most White peoples have clung on to the idea that mitigating the spread of a deadly virus is infringement to their well being, when it’s the exact opposite. Their privilege and ignorance has blinded them from understanding what real oppression is.
Tooo many White peoples really think that gathering for a holiday is a form of protest when it’s just a stupid thing to do during a pandemic. Like, holy heck that’s pathetic
Thing is, that I think about, people who get triggered are triggered because of a form of trauma and white peoples (collectively) are the most triggered people in this country. What traumas do they have? Well... here’s my thoughts...
I believe they have trauma and, unlike BIPOC, they deny it. Here in my community we are honest and talk about it with an open heart and invite prayer and seek traditional healing; whereas white peoples tell themselves they’re the best lol
Coming from a murderous lineage creates trauma. They white man who killed bunch of ndns and best slaves most likely beat his children and spouses and/or displayed horrible emotional intelligence and didn’t teach their kin to be well behaved
I pity white America because of their lack of community- but that lack of community is what drives them to be manipulated by a church or a extremist group. Humans need community, and, sadly, white peoples are the most easily victimized by cults...
I think It’s part of why dogs and pets are so propped up in white America, because of their lack of family and community makes their pets that much more important, which I’m not criticizing, just my observation
And white peoples I know who have become part of my community are no longer plain old white people... they are THE white person in the community, not just ‘A’ white person (if you’re one of those white peoples you know what I’m saying)
Now, white people really think gathering with their loved ones is a form of protest... man, that’s pathetic. If you’re one of those whites then, well, youre just houngie
If you’re white and offended by this thread then, well, oooksss
Ps, if I’m off the mark then just think about how we feel about all those anthropologists saying weird shit about us... I’m an anthropologist, too lol
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