Íslenska neðar.
@logreglan I've heard from multiple immigrants, first hand, that (some of) you refuse to speak any language but Icelandic with them when they seek your help.
How can you justify that when 15% residents are foreign citizens?
I'd prefer an answer in English, please.
And our minister of justice, @aslaugarna, should be (made) aware of that I have personally witnessed and delt with this at district commissioner offices and immigration, so I have no reason to question my #immigrant friends.
Stutt og skorinort á íslensku:
Ég hef heyrt að einhverjar löggur neita að tala nokkuð annað en íslensku þegar innflytjendur leita til þeirra. Hvernig í andsk. er hægt að réttlæta það?
Fyrst ég hef séð og orðið fyrir þessu hjá sýslumanni og UTL þá véfengi ég þetta ekki.
English speaking news outlets in #Iceland: @IcelandMonitor @Iceland_Review @rvkgrapevine

Those with stories of the #police refusing to speak English, and also not wanting to speak #Icelandic due to your accent, are encouraged to respond to this thread.

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