While they're at it, they should insist he apologises for sitting back while Jewish women MPs were bullied out of the party by racists and allowing the breaking of the law in the treatment of Jewish people, the vast majority of whom believed the party was antisemitic,
1/3 https://twitter.com/HarriLine/status/1330936035560316929
They should demand he apologises for all the disgraceful things he has done:
defending that grotesque racist mural,
saying Jewish people didn't understand English irony as though they are not really English,
(sorry for the thread, but it’s a long list…)
And they should ask him to say sorry for calling Hamas and Hezbollah friends,
laying a wreath at the graves of people who plotted the Munich Olympic atrocity
and defending Stephen Sizer who said Israel was behind 9/11 and was accused of antisemitism.
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