They are tweets that trigger me hence this mini thread.😏
I feel like people need to understand the responsibilities that come with jobs/proffesions/careers that they choose. If you choose to be a politician know that your duty is to represent the people.
And people are diverse, know that! we can't truly have aspiring leaders today who still have 1900 mentalities. "Everyone should be afforded their rights provided they do not infringe on other people's rights" the statement is simple and clear.
But we still have people advocating for oppressing other people in society based on baseless claims. Remember people are diverse and if you are not ready to represent and fight for all of human kind, you are not ready to be a political leader please step aside.
If you want to be a religious leader lead in a religious organization (Church), if you want to lead a constituency/ country understand what it means and how diverse that community is.
Don't force the Johnson's to live by the beliefs of the Smith's. We are all humans and we all deserve to be treated as humans no matter how different we are.đŸ€žđŸż
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