So I want to tell this Dr a little story. Seems he is unaware how this virus spreads.
My FIL just died. My MIL so worried about Covid, she didn’t even go to the hospital. Hadn’t been out at all since February. Hasn’t seen a Dr. other than by telemedicine.
So family comes. Washes hands, socially distanced and wears masks when they pay condolences.
No one who is sick is allowed in the house. No one who is sick is allowed at the funeral.
So guess what happens?
3 people from funeral call to let her know they tested positive.
Now they had masks and didn’t hug her. So it’s all good, right?
She was 6 feet from people. She was in a mask.
So Thursday she is taken for a Covid test. It is positive.
So Dr, how did she get it? 3/4
People wore masks and were socially distancing. She wore a mask.
Maybe it’s not that easy? Maybe a virus that spreads as easily as Covid is going to spread regardless and we need to give better medications to prevent hospitalizations.
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