I've been on a journey on trans issues - and I have ended up a long way from some or even many in my tribe - and I wanted to set out some things I've learned along the way. THREAD
If you find yourself constantly at odds with younger generations (who as a rule are totally cool with being trans) the thing you swore would never happen probably has. Perhaps the process of becoming your parents - out-of-touch know-it-alls - is subtler than once you credited?
If you are a man and the reality of your engagement with equality issues is that you do little more than default to the views of a significant woman in your life that doesn't make you woke it makes you lazy.
If the people you find yourself agreeing with are overwhelmingly comfortably off and from an empowered class you should ask yourself whether your analysis of the problem is intersectional enough. Is it good enough for you to proceed from how you experience the establishment?
If the first thing you think of when you think of trans people is their genitals you're like the homophobe who once debated whether gay sex was natural. Why does your mind fly to that? Their genitals are not really any of your business.
If you won't contemplate that good people can do bad things you are complacent. It's easy to be complacent when you are of my tribe - we have it all, or most of it anyway - but it is also wrong.
If you are driven to anger by revolting things said - and goodness knows much is - to people you agree with there is a good chance you are being manipulated by bots. Don't allow them to drive you to hate - and don't weaponise them in hate against your opponents.
If you experience these issues as simple you almost certainly don't understand them. Take the time to do so before you participate. When it comes to false narratives about the treatment trans kids get there is no better place to start than here. https://gids.nhs.uk/puberty-and-physical-intervention
These are my thoughts - but really this thread is about listening and learning. So I'd love to hear what else those in my tribe - privileged, white, middle class, in our forties or fifties - should do...
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