I saw this recently and, with the details blocked out to avoid the inevitable dunking, I'm curious if anyone has a possible solution to the problem where people want their views to be reported but don't trust the press to accurately represent them
My instinctive opinion is "y'all brought this on your selves"

I think of the SlateStarCodex NYT article where they were going to dox Scott, but gave people who attacked him the benefit of anonymity for the sake of attacking him

There seems to be no grounded principle for this
Or the article in which Liz Brunig's Slack messages were attributed to her but the snarky NYT employee who responded to her was granted anonymity

What is the guiding policy behind attribution vs anonymity? There does not seem to be one.
We almost need a brand new public-facing pledge of journalistic integrity with clear and clean guidelines that entire publications strictly abide by

And even then, it would take years for people to believe they were being honest & non-partisan.
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