been thinking a lot about the black rifle cc fumble

think a lot of people have the wrong take - this company HAS NEVER supported the 2A outside of having a rifle in the logo

marketing (and creeping consumerism) really does have a ton of americans grasped firmly by the balls
ive worked in this industry for a decade & have successfully branded + sold everything from womens hair care products to new wave self help courses, even ballroom dance classes...despite falling anywhere close the target demographic of any of those products of services myself
how? market research + consumer behavior

BRCC makes $$ of LARPing vet beard guy with gun coffee brand. doesnt matter if product is good.

brand is calibrated perfectly - sells pure image, pure 'this is the coffee you drink if u own AR'

FUBU did it first

brand -> evoked self
BRCC has this locked down perfectly in their target audience segment research and branding.

perfect coffee for every johnny tryhard at the range thats got all the right tacticool gear but cant put a single round on paper

while operators drink folgers straight out of the can

carefully curated brands, ahem ((brands)) will never be /ourguys/

be especially wary when they over-market fake masculinity
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