the body is a beautiful work of art to be displayed how you want it to be.
i grew up in a house where the body, nudity and bodily functions were normalized.. not to be shamed or hidden. viewed as taboo or a sin of any sort. it is a body. your body and your sexual energy is within you. it is not detached from you, distant or to be denied. it is you
to place worth on a body according to what you do with it is a silly concept made by man & only man seeking to oppress. you shame someone’s existence then you disempower them. you take away their agency & autonomy when you shame for their natural essence. shaming is a power tool
recognize the tools of disempowerment so you can escape from them and do what the hell you want without guilt or shame. i need you to recognize this. because your body is beautiful. your natural essence is beautiful and worthy of display of any type.
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