aries, leo, sagittarius💌
there’s a lot of sexually charged energy here, this is a connection that probably sparked because of the intense attraction shared. it’s intoxicating and passionate, however the rest of this dynamic isn’t quite as deep— and someone has grown impatient -
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for more. the main dynamic here is friendly, this could be a new person you’re getting to know but can’t keep your hands off of. for others this is someone you had a rocky history with and now you’re repairing your bond, trying to start things off the right way. -
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regardless of how this resonates, desire seems to be frustrating you right now. spirit is asking you to shift your focus away from the sex and passion, there is a lot of mutual feelings here but someone moves a lot slower than the other— trying to rush them or -
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getting too hasty may cause them to retreat. conversation & lighthearted, less intense energy is needed right now as it will bring the energy back to balance. there seems to be an extreme way of thinking here, like if things aren’t moving at the pace you feel they-
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should be, someone in this connection gets very anxious and worked up. you need to know that things are moving just fine, but if you’re the one hyper-fixating on the ending you want to blossom between you two— things may crumble all together. please do not rush -
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this. someone in this connection has their hands tied financially, they’re unable to give their time and energy the way the other person is— i feel this makes them feel inadequate in ways, like they don’t have as much to offer. show them you don’t want anything -
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other than their trust and time, because this person really does care for you and dreams of the day when they can give you their all. they’re just stuck between a rock in a hard place right now and until the rock gives some leverage, the rate this connection -
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deepens will be slow and steady. focus on the present moment you have with them and refrain from thinking in extremes— it doesn’t have to be all or nothing. the growth of this relationship can be gradual, wholesome and gentle, something you’re probably not used -
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to, but then again this is what makes you so interested lol. you like a change of pace and new experiences, treat this dynamic the same way. take your time with this and them, and you will have a foundation solid enough to last a lifetime— as lovers or friends.
if this resonated for you and would like to leave a tip, they are greatly appreciated but never required. thank you so much🤍


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