People like to gatekeep ‘luxury’ because inaccessibility makes them feel superior. The moment their peers have access to something that they deem to be luxurious, that thing loses value in their eyes because it limits their ability to use it as a status symbol.
It’s often less about their care for the thing at hand, and more about their own sense of self, and attaching value to themselves based on what they have access to versus other people.
When we learn to detach or sense of self-worth from our access to ‘luxury’, then we’ll feel less threatened and upset when people who look like us can do the things we do, and buy the things we buy.
“ThAt’S ThE WhOlE PoInT oF LuXuRy ThOuGh”.

That’s why I put the word in inverted commas. Sure, limited accessibility is one definition. Another is “a state of great comfort or elegance”.

E.g, certain vacation destinations aren’t any less luxurious because black people visit.
Going to a spa isn’t any less luxurious because access to spas are more common. I can literally go on a voucher website now and grab a spa trip for under £40. Does that make being in a spa unluxurious? No. Because spa visits are inessential and deliver a state of great comfort.
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