Kinda funny how because of people trashing on P5 fans, "Persona 5" is trending above "TWEWY". You know, the thing people should be talking about?

Don't get why some give the "this is like Persona 5!" people so much attention.
You gotta remember it can always be ignorance, cause you can't expect everyone to know about every single JRPG or game in the world and maybe their only point of reference is P5.
Other times it's just bait, ignore that. I see some getting really mean about it, when you shouldn't. I do get that usually its just jokingly, but I've seen people being really yikes about it and just overall saying stuff that doesn't help the issue.
Only did this thread cause this is a constant fucking thing, that will probably never end. "Hahah Persona 5 fans" is just gonna become "Hahah Persona 6 fans" but I dunno, guess I just wanted to talk about this, as exhausting as it may be to talk about...
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