tonight, i will be deleting all of my tweets, just in case i fucked up on opsec early on twitter

but before i do, i'll give you some very basic tips on how to keep yourself safe from deranged leftists on the internet

open the thread 👇
Rule no. 1: Never post identifying images of yourself.

Simple, right?

Nope. This includes pictures of houses, road signs, your dog with the collar visible, anything that could lead back to your location.

If you do want to post images, ensure they're cropped closely.
Rule no. 2: Never disclose your location online.

This includes state, city, where you ate, where you drank coffee, do not even post images of water bottles or beer because some of them can be tracked back to the country you live in.
Rule no. 3: Ensure that your social media accounts are entirely separate.

Use a different email, preferably a burner one, for your twitter account and other social media.

Do not use the same password for your social media accounts either.
Rule no. 4: This may seem a little paranoid, but sharing details of your schedule can be used to track down your location.

This is why I never wish "good morning" close to when I wake up, but a few hours out.

People can use this to find your timezone.
Rule no. 5: Always have two-factor authorization on all social media apps.

Pretty self-explanatory.
Rule no. 6: Do not divulge private information in DMs, especially with people you do not know very well.

This includes all of the above.
Rule no. 7: Vary your social media usernames. It doesn't matter if it's a video game forum or a meme website, using the same username can allow people to link you to other websites.
Rule no. 8: Do not even post your first name online.

Even doing so increases the chances of being doxed, and is even more likely if your name isn't a common one.

It may not be important by itself, but it provides a piece of the puzzle to would-be doxers.
Rule no. 9: Do not post details about what your job is/what you're studying

Essentially, manage good hygiene when you post in public.

The less the public knows about you, the better.

This list isn't exhaustive, but it's a quick and dirty way to help you stay safe.

You can follow @TheHinduDindu.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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