Telling MTs that you have to get therapy in order to be a decent or non-harmful therapist is one way that MTs work to preserve the profession as only open to certain types of people (e.g. white, middle/upper class, neurotypical).
The reality is that talk therapy was made by neurotypical white people, for white neurotypical white people. If you fall outside that narrow band then talk therapy can be outright harmful because, for example, talk therapists rarely have competency to work with autistic people.
What's funny is the people who say this never respond well if I tell them that if they work on speech/communication goals then they should get speech therapy - because they will say, "I don't need speech therapy!" LMAO.

For some reason they don't want to enroll themselves in ABA
This idea gets especially problematic in places like the US where we do not have healthcare as a human right, and paying for talk therapy out of pocket could cost more than your rent/mortgage.
Not to mention that if you are trying to hire a therapist, but you tell them you don't have any specific needs but are only doing it because you were told getting talk therapy is the only way to develop personal insight or what not, that therapist might not accept you as a client
There is a shortage of therapists in many places and it's pretty ethically questionable to use that resource simply to show you can be compliant, when there are people who actually need therapy really badly but are on waiting lists to access care.
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