Today is #DRWHODAY so let's celebrate some of the RARE but significant black folks who've actually BEEN on that show in the recent incarnation - Let's start with the BEST companion of the re-boot Martha Jones
This gif is part of a monologue that explains why Martha Jones is the best companion. She's explaining to the Dr. about a friend of her who kept waiting for a guy that was never going to notice or commit to her, until eventually that friend got it - Amazing scene
Jones is the ONLY companion with a complete life BEFORE #DrWho and who CHOSE to leave adventuring w/ the Dr. (and go finish medical school) of her own accord. In WHO cannon this is major because he usually picks companions w/ no life or direction (Donna/Amy Pond) B4 he shows up
Martha also walked around the entire planet for a year to save #DrWho and the universe from the Master #DrWhoDay - Her post Who Life battling aliens w her husband Mickey always seemed like a noble send off for her character
Speaking of Mickey he was a horribly underutilized character who is part of a general trend in the Who-Verse that's pretty racist and a turnoff to fans like myself who enjoy some of the show's incredible diversity in other areas #DrWhoDay
When White female companions had black boyfriends Drs treated them TERRIBLY. 9th & 10th referred to Rose's boyfriend as "Mickey the Idiot" a derision and venom that was never spewed at Rory or other white men on the show. Mickey was forced to "earn" their respect #DrWhoDay
It was even worse w/ Danny Pink. Danny was insulted & ignored, not just by 11th Dr. but by his girlfriend Clara, then turned into a cyberman but somehow just took it and never offered much resistance. Can't imagine there were many black writers in the room #DrWhoDay
Finally there's Bill Potts, the first openly LGBTQ companion - who quite frankly was treated like trash by #DrWhoDay . 12th Dr abandoned her for a decade and she too was turned into a machine. But it was all okay because she got to spend eternity w/ her white dream girl?
In other words, outside of Martha black companions and sidekicks on #DrWho are treated like black people are treated in any television programs: Horribly. It remains to bee seen how Ryan will fare w/ 13th Dr. but there's work to be done overall for POC in the show
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