My hot take is that the Redemption Discourse would be significantly improved if Christians could acknowledge the degree to which the entire idea is a reflection of their cultural hegemony, and all their disputes on the topic are basically intra-Christian theological disputes.
That might also involve acknowledging that any international media they consume exists in a market where it must compete with media produced by a dominant American industry, and thus that essentially all 20th and 21st Century media are at the very least in conversation with it.
There is little to no contemporary media that can be introduced as a “counterpoint” to Christian narratives, because Christian narratives set the market standard.
I am maybe getting mildly concerned that there are Christians who are reading this as, “Christianity invented forgiveness; outside of us there is only hellfire.” Which does demonstrate my point about hegemony but is, I need to stress, wildly untrue.
There’s more I’m tempted to say but I promised myself I’d keep this account public until I finished my fic, lol
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