Seeing lots of tweets about our #BTSonGMA "camera angles" -- sorry guys but there are reasons for all the shots we take including for Times Square -- please just enjoy and be happy we had the guys on our show this morning. Don't be rude. #LifeGoesOn
Guys. We have had BTS on 3 times now - we take great care of the guys. That’s why they come to us in the U.S. I’m not being salty with you I’m being realistic when we are delivering a performance during a pandemic with limited resources. Kindness starts with you, the fans 💜
I understand the frustrations and will make sure the camera cuts are lord carefully choreographed. I understand where everyone is coming from.

Typically they are here live which is what I hope for in 2021! 💜🙏🏽😭
I just think it’s an unfair criticism for all the work our limited team does here in Times Square in the pandemic is all. I DO understand the frustrations but some posts I’ve seen have been very critical and doesn’t take into account hard work and partnership. That’s all 💜🙏🏽
Have heard you loud and clear - I do apologize for my tone and didn’t realize it out of frustrations of tweeting. That’s said - working with Big Hit NOW on permissions on uploading full performance without Times Square. FYI! 💜
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