this is gonna be a thread of patterns of hidden/normalized lesbophobia i’ve seen on twitter and other social media because it seems to be overlooked so often
1. implying that lesbians are more privileged than the rest of the lgbt community. we have no more inherent privilege than gay/bi/pan people, and we do not oppress gay/bi/pan people. just because you think we’re “mean” (lesbophobia!)does not mean we are oppressive or privileged.
2. blaming all lesbians for one lesbian’s wrongdoings. i saw this a LOT with that lesbian who made the video shitting on gay men. there was comments on videos calling them out saying stuff like “why are lesbians like that” “can lesbians chill” “it’s always lesbians” and +
essentially placing the blame on the entire lesbian community for the shitty thing this ONE lesbian did.
3. nonlesbians making fun of lesbian stereotypes/“hey mamas” lesbians. lesbians are not your punchline, and the “hey mamas” joke has turned into a bunch of nonlesbians making fun of butch lesbians which is... gross.
4. questioning people talking about how much they don’t want to be lesbians. you are obviously allowed to talk about your struggles with sexuality, but talking about how much you hate the idea of being a lesbian or how it’s “scary” to you makes lesbians feel awful +
here is a tiktok from my cool pal mars talking about this more because it’s aggravating 
5. saying that our oppression is “less severe” than other members of the lgbtq+ community. we all experience oppression. its not a competition, and our oppression is just as real and as harmful as anyone else’s. we are also not all cis, please stop acting like +
lesbians can’t experience transphobia. a lot of us do.
6. implying we are all terfs or that we’re all mean and scary. just because some terfs happen to be lesbians does not mean all lesbians are terfs, and this stereotype is EXTREMELY harmful. you don’t get to excuse your hatred for lesbians by calling us terfs.
7. saying that we are lucky or that we have it better because we aren’t attracted to men. (this is also homophobic and bi/panphobic btw !!) this belittles actual struggles lesbians face. we do not have it any easier because we aren’t attracted to men, we still experience +
oppression and lesbophobia. saying you wish you were a lesbian (especially if you’re straight) because you hate men/because men have wronged you is also lesbophobic.
8. saying that comphet isn’t real or that it’s just internalized biphobia, and that lesbians who experience comphet are just bi. comphet is very common in lesbians because TRADITIONAL WOMANHOOD IS DEFINED BY ATTRACTION TO MEN. saying comphet doesn’t exist is blatant +
lesbian erasure. our struggles with feeling like we need to be attracted to men are valid and real. the lesbian master doc is not biphobic, and if you can’t relate to it as a bi person, that’s because it’s not for you.
lesbians feel free to add more examples !!!!
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