Calling on all patriots. We are in a fight for the future of liberty not only in this country but around the world. We must stay in this fight to the end. We cannot sit by and rest on our asses, while our President @realDonaldTrump and thousands of other patriots are in the...
... fight to save our country and frankly, the world. The cabal of elites want DOMINION over all of us and will use whatever means they can to shackle us all to their systems of physical, mental, and economic slavery. We must stand up and fight. We must join together to push...
...back. We must also remember that we are not in this alone. We have a great and mighty God who is on our side and he will send in ANGELS to wage war on the enemy that seeks to destroy us. What value is there in false freedom? If we are led to believe that we can be... and have peaceful lives under their DOMINION, don't be fools. They will not relent. They have tasted the power of control over the masses and will not easily give it up. This is why they attacked our election. It is the ultimate slap in the face to every free citizen...
...and their attempt to put us on our knees before them. However, they do not realize there is a massive army of patriots waiting to come together. Many of them follow me here on Twitter, Parler, Gab, etc. and even more don't even know of me. At least 73 Million Americans, and... is likely more than that are part of the Army. If we can join our efforts to assemble and help where we can with the gifts that God has given us, we can win this. Some of you are experts in cybersecurity technical validation, others know election process, some are...
...great legal minds, some have administrative skills, some have backgrounds in security and counter surveillance, some are members of the law enforcement community, some have expertise in media production, social media, or messaging. Where do you fit into this fight? What...
...can you contribute? I have already become embedded with a team of professional warriors in this arena for over the last week. I am committed to this fight and more are are on their way to join me. Pray for us. We are facing an up hill battle. There will be casualties, but...
we will win, SO HELP US GOD! Thats right! We need God's help in this fight. He is our General, our Commander. The most important freedom fighters in this, are those of you faithfully praying for us and our families. This is no time for cowards or the lazy, only for the brave...
...the committed. It takes skill, hard work, courage, and faith to win a war. I have been living off of 3 hours sleep a night this past week because we are in the battle fighting coup d'etat against @realDonaldTrump. There is no time for sleep. This is a time for action. The...
...things you have heard talked about by @RudyGiuliani, @SidneyPowell1, @LLinWood, @JennaEllisEsq, and others are 100% true. I am here and have seen much of the evidence myself as I have been working with several of the teams. The idea of it all is so overwhelming for most...
...people that they can't accept the truth right before their eyes. There is a lot to do in terms of court filings and legal battles, but there is a way forward the has a high probability of success in helping @realDonaldTrump win this fight and ensure his reelection for a...
...second term. That is the first goal. Next, we work to secure the future of our elections by fully auditing all of the processes and equipment used in our elections, and finally we will go after those who perpetrated this coup and make sure they are held accountable. I will... sending out addition information soon, including on how you can help with needed funding, skills, support operations, and of course prayer. God bless you all and God bless America. -MCPOTA
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