If someone says Christianity has been harmful and they’ve experienced that harm, you should just believe them and meet them with empathy and care. Now if I have the personal and ancestral scars to prove it; I’m kind enough to show you those;
and you still desire to debate my reality to protect your religion; then not only does this proves my point, it makes you an abuser and the reason why people abused by Christianity aren’t safe amongst Christians.

More often than not when I say Christianity harmed me people ask me to prove it, not in those words, but with different, more subtle ones, that’s exactly what they are asking. I don’t owe that to anybody, WE DON’T OWE THAT TO ANYBODY.

Emotionally fit; healthy; mature; evolved people, believe others when they share their truths. But because of the nature of my work, I choose to explain how, and show my personal scars, as well as my ancestral ones.

Somehow Christians still decide to deny my reality and my scars. Which is further harm at the hand at Christianity (because it’s not just them, it’s always their theology with them). My trauma isn’t up for debate, you either care or you don’t.
Often I also speak about why I am still a Christian and the beauty I see in the Christ, how it pulled me out of suicidal ideation, but I don’t need to redeem Christianity either, I simply share how it’s served me, that’s all.
Because honestly I don’t care about Christianity’s reputation, the Christ doesn’t either. We hold every institution accountable to ensure we protect humans! And whatever needs to go will go, whatever remains is that which doesn’t harm others.
Your faith adjacency will survive even if some of the institutions that uphold it may not, institutions don’t matter more than people do.
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