i love the country and i love the city in about equal measures but the burbs are just so fucking ugly from top to bottom they are truly the worst
i was actually raised on a hobby farm. we heated our house with a wood furnace and had to cut out own wood and maintain our own forest just to stay warm
we fed ourselves with a massive garden and had chickens for fresh eggs. i have fond memories of getting lost in the woods, finding my way back, and helping with dinner -- something hearty to replace the calories burned
but i can get restless when i'm not surrounded by people. in the city, i used to love walking to get coffee, then a beer, then wings for dinner. i miss the sound of chatter belong the window, the soft hum of civilization as it refuses to call it a night
i don't have a real end to this thread. the burbs just feel like hell disguised as purgatory. they were created by colonialism and white flight. we stole land and then upon it built a fortress for white supremacy. it's fucked up from top to bottom
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