A t'riffic thing about every #DoctorWho TV story:

An Unearthly Child. Finding a time machine in a junkyard. Perfectly capturing the feel of classic children's literature.

The Daleks. Thals being lured into a trap with bog rolls.
The Edge Of Destruction. Barbara's "done with this shit" look before the Doctor makes amends.
Marco Polo. The Doctor's hysterical fit.
The Keys Of Marinus. Yartek's genius for disguises.
The Aztecs. Barbara (again) taking no shit from Tlotoxl when he tries to poison her.
The Sensorites. An elaborate conspiracy undone by the Doctor's fabulous dress sense.
The Reign Of Terror. The Doctor's dress sense, again.
Planet Of Giants. "I can see a huge leg coming!"
The Dalek Invasion Of Earh. Getting rid of, uh, I mean that beautiful goodbye to Susan.
The Rescue. The Doctor going all Columbo at the end.
The Romans. The Doctor going all WWE with the assassin.
The Web Planet.
"Zaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrbiii! Eee! Eeee!"
The Crusade.
"You defy me with the Pope?!"
"No, you defy the world with your politics!"
The Space Museum.
The Chase.
The Time Meddler.

"I shall miss them, Doctor."

Doctor don't give a fuck once you're gone.
Galaxy 4.
Mission To The Unknown. Terry Nation proving a Dalek spin-off series would be quite dull.
The Myth Makers. The Doctor dismissing the Trojan horse story as pure fiction and then making it happen.
The Daleks' Master Plan. Sara having a proper chuckle, a few hours after executing her innocent brother.
The Massacre. Hartnell's speech in episode four. Magnificent.
The Ark. This. https://twitter.com/Laking86/status/1066073806773596162?s=19
The Celestial Toymaker.
The Gunfighters. This. https://twitter.com/dimwittedly/status/919531158387511297?s=19
The Savages. The Doctor's reacting vibrator.
The War Machines. Sophia Loren's cameo.
The Smugglers.
The Tenth Planet.
The Power Of The Daleks. Lesterson's tragic/funny "I am your serrr-vant".
The Highlanders.
The Underwater Menace. One of the greatest line deliveries of all time.
The Moonbase. The iconic tea-tray moment.
The Macra Terror. Jamie charging up the old shaft, despite the gas.
The Faceless Ones. Sam's hat.
The Evil Of The Daleks.
The Tomb Of The Cybermen.
The Abominable Snowmen. Padmasambhava's creepy voices.
The Ice Warriors. Peter Barkworth. Gawd bless 'im.
The Enemy Of The World. The location work in Ep1. Barry Letts previewing the more ambitious production style to come.
The Web Of Fear.

"What's a girl like you doing in a job like this?"
"Well, when I was a little girl I thought I'd like to be a scientist, so I became a scientist."
Fury From The Deep. They make Victoria's scream the key to the plot. Brilliant.
The Wheel In Space. Working a repeat showing of Evil into the plot.
The Dominators. 80s power shoulders, over a decade early.
The Mind Robber. The incredibly inventive way they deal with temporarily losing a cast member.
The Invasion. The moment Benton loses his heart to the Brig.
The Krotons.
The Seeds Of Death. Fewsham - a superb portrayal of cowardice.
The Space Pirates. When I first watched the only surviving episode with a friend and we both misheard "on a pirate ship" as "on a pile of shit".
The War Games. The War Chief and the Doctor recognising each other. Electrifying.
Spearhead From Space.
Doctor Who And The Silurians. The Doctor offering the hand of friendship. Somewhere in his subconscious, an irate little man is yelling "No, blow it up!".
The Ambassadors ... Of Death! "My moral duty." Second story in a row with a more thoughtful and interesting form of villain.
Inferno. That moment. The Doctor doesn't always win and not everybody lives.
Terror Of The Autons. https://twitter.com/dimwittedly/status/921437418145959944?s=20
The Mind Of Evil. The Doctor tortured by his failure from Inferno.
The Claws Of Axos. This file.
Colony In Space. Pertwee driving because he wants to and not because it makes any sense in the plot.
The Daemons.
"Are you as turned on as I am?"
Day Of The Daleks.

"No complications."

The Curse Of Peladon. The nice Ice Warriors. Another example of the show developing a more thoughtful approach.
The Sea Devils. What else?
The Mutants. Jesus Christ Super Gay.
The Time Monster. The Doctor asking Jo not to listen to his thoughts, he's not proud of some of them.
The Three Doctors.
Carnival Of Monsters.
Frontier In Space. The Master in a jolly mood. Not cackling, clapping, spinning loon, manic happy. Just cheerful. It's utterly beguiling.
Planet Of The Daleks. Accidental pimp daddy gloriousness.
The Green Death. Pertwee's "Ha!" when he meets BOSS. The best amused/dismissive/delighted "Ha!" there's ever been.
The Time Warrior. Linx brought a flag. Linx wins.
Invasion Of The Dinosaurs. The Brig's not entirely convinced "Hmm" after the Doctor's touching delivery of the moral of the story.
Death To The Daleks. I make no claims of originality.
The Monster Of Peladon. A return visit to an alien world. A great idea, not used often enough.
Planet Of The Spiders.

"Sarah, get off that mandala!"

"The only country that could be trusted with such a role was Great Britain."
"Well, naturally, I mean, the rest were all foreigners."
"Well, exactly."
The Ark In Space. Gorgeous corridor.
The Sontaran Experiment.

"Not today, thank you."
Genesis Of The Daleks.
Revenge Of The Cybermen. A design inspiring a thousand frustrated continuity fixing fan-fics.
Terror Of The Zygons. Aren't they lovely together?
Planet Of Evil.
"You know where you are? You're in the best alien jungle the BBC's ever made, baby!"
Pyramids Of Mars.
The Android Invasion.
The Brain Of Morbius. Sarah pouring her wine away and faking passing out. I like it when the companion's clever. They can still be a peril monkey, but a clever peril monkey.
The Seeds Of Doom.

"Start talking."
"Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart had perfect pitch."
The Masque Of Mandragora. The "old" control room that was never the old control room, despite the Pertwee shirt and Troughton recorder, but the production team don't care because (as they so rightly knew) it doesn't fucking matter.
The Deadly Assassin. Clown under the sand.
The Face Of Evil. The Doctor casually lobbing a horda at the bloke that slapped Leela. The man who knew would, but don't piss him off, just in case.
The Robots Of Death.

"Please do not throw hands at me."
The Talons Of Weng Chiang. A legend is born.
Horror Of Fang Rock. Creepy.
The Invisible Enemy. The Doctor cloning himself, shrinking his clone, so he can have a chat with his virus. Brilliant.
Image Of The Fendahl. Sexual tension.
The Sun Makers. Henry Woolf.
Underworld. It got made.
The Invasion Of Time. The Doctor and Borusa's relationship. Never bettered.
The Ribos Operation. The Doctor slapping the Graff Vynda-K with a glove.
The Pirate Planet. The resolution to the walking the plank cliffhanger. Brilliant and funny.

Tha Hand Of Fear. Sarah's beautifully underplayed and superbly funny "Hi" when she meets Eldrad.
The Stones Of Blood. Sausage sandwiches.
The Androids Of Tara. The Doctor sticking his head out into the firing line to shout "Liar!"
The Power Of Kroll. The location.
The Armageddon Factor. The Doctor angering the Black Guardian, so he has to create the randomizer, just so he has an excuse not to take Romana, who he's fallen utterly in love with, back to Gallifrey. That's my head canon and nobody's changing it.
Destiny Of The Daleks. Disco robots.
City Of Death. Every. Magnificent. Second.
The Creature From The Pit. The Doctor jumping down the pit, instead of being thrown, thus taking control of the situation. Dangerous, funny, and completely Doctorish.
Nightmare Of Eden.

"I don't work for anyone. I'm just having fun."
The Horns Of Nimon. The moment when you realise DW did "Marge vs the Monorail" 14 years early.

Shada. Chronotis's room set. Beautiful.
The Leisure Hive. "My arms! My legs! My -" Holy shit, this isn't funny, it's fucking disturbing!
Meglos. Evil cactus. That's proper DW, that is.
Full Circle.

"Not. An. Alibi. Deciders!"

Tom on fire.
State Of Decay.

"You're wonderful."
Warriors' Gate.

"When the pickles run out."
The Keeper Of Traken.
Logopolis. The Doctor meets the Watcher on the bridge. He appears to argue, then seems to give up. He's not the same man afterwards. Far as he's concerned, the regeneration has already started.

"I can see!" That brief moment when Adric's useful.
Four To Doomsday. Cricket ball space physics. Obviously.
Kinda. Tegan's quantel nightmare.
The Visitation. The Doctor casually leaning through a hologram wall.
Black Orchid. "Strike me pink!"
Earthshock. Cyberman stuck in door.
Time-Flight. Shrugging off Aric's death, 'cos it's Adric.
Arc Of Infinity.
Snakedance. Trying to work out the point of the leaning cell bars.
Mawdryn Undead. The Brig's mental clip show.

. . .

I'm thinking.

. . .

OK, Nyssa leaving to do good work is nice.

"Where are you going?"
"You don't know?"
"To Miss Tegan's cabin."
"You didn't know, though, just for a second. Interesting."
The King's Demons. The wrong delivery of the line "He is the evil one."
The Five Doctors. "Must dash."
Warriors Of The Deep. Turlough accepting the Doctor's drowned before the Doctor's reached the water.
The Awakening.

"You speak treason!"
Frontios. Hatstand standoff.
Resurrection Of The Daleks. "To kill Davros." Yeah, it all goes tits up, but to have this particular Doctor just casually accept he has to commit murder is chilling and compelling.
Planet Of Fire.

Kamelion: Destroy me, Doc-
Doctor: Righty-oh!
The Caves Of Androzani. Has to be the best regeneration scene in 20thC Who.
The Twin Dilemma.

"Now look, Sergeant."

That joke loses something in print.
Attack Of The Cybermen. The Doctor playing with his organ in front of Peri.
Vengeance On Varos.

"Green lights!" A moment's light relief.
The Mark Of The Rani. Luke's got wood.
The Two Doctors. The Doctor and Shockeye's lunch date.
Timelash. I genuinely love Herbert trying to exorcise the Doctor.
Revelation Of The Doctor. The Doctor holding the mutant's hand as he dies.
The Mysterious Planet. Opening FX. Phwoar!
Mindwarp. The cup of tea moment.
Terror Of The Vervoids. "At least, not until..."
The Ultimate Foe or Time Inc or whatever. "That's what it takes to be really corrupt!" C Baker's shining moment in DW.
Time And The Rani. Rainbow tractor beam.
Paradise Towers. The old girls are cannibals!
Delt And The Bannermen. The Doctor listens to an apple.
Dragonfire. Kane's cool console.
Remembrance Of The Daleks. The Dalek goes up the stairs! They don't cut away and when we come back, it's upstairs. They don't overlay a Dalek onto a dodgy high angle shot. We see it go (slowly) up the stairs. Scared the shit out of me when I was a kid.
The Happiness Patrol. Kandyman answering the phone.
Silver Nemesis. The Doctor calling Peinforte's bluff and the show declaring all the pre-Unearthly Child fanwank to be dead boring. I agree.
The Greatest Show In The Galaxy. T. P. McKenna.
Battlefield. Hahahahahaha! Oh, sorry, you had to be there.
Ghost Light. A spaceship that moves at the speed of thought.
The Curse Of Fenric.

"Don't interrupt me when I'm eulogising."
- Evil From The Dawn Of Time.

Love how this very effective horror story turns full Time Bandits for a second.
There will now be an unscheduled faith change.

This thread now only covers classic Who.

Because my brain is fried and my eyes are bleeding.
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