1- FYI: all students in France have a student number called INE (Identifiant National Etudiant) that follows us during our school life including university (I know mine by heart). From what I understand, this law reinforcing republican principles wants to give this number to ALL
2- children, starting at 3 year-old (which was not the case before). Kids who are home schooled don't have that number which makes it hard for the Gov to make sure they're provided an education. Same with pupils in "schools hors contrat".
3-This number WILL NOT be given to Muslim kids only: that is illegal & unconstitutional. We also don't keep lists of Muslim kids (again, that's illegal). So please be careful when you tweet such statements, and make sure to double check your facts.
4- I think the main problem is basically the gap between what is in the law (a law written broad enough to apply to everyone, like I explained to you in a previous thread) & the government's PR/intentions which are a disaster.
5-Don't get me wrong: there are definitely some legal issues with certain articles of this bill but that's a separate conversation.
6-The reality is the whole "debate" on so-called "separatism"(a word that is not used in the bill -like I predicted- because it is problematic, but that is still used by our gov🤷🏻‍♀️) was toxic. Some member of our administration, politicians and pundits clearly went after Muslims.
7- You basically have the toxic debate we have been through, and what is feasible on a legal level. Many announcements made by some ministers aren't even in the bill because there is NO WAY these proposals would have survived a
8- constitutional review. You have the PR announcements to seduce the electorate of the far-right, the conservatives as well as a certain part of the left, and you have what can be done in reality, and between both worlds, you have a massive gap.
9- It is essential to keep in mind and monitor the legislator's intentions, the debate, the announcements and to follow the process that leads to the adoption of such a law. I'm really concerned that we are repeating what happened in 2017, when France adopted and implemented
10- the Law on "Interior Security and Fight Against Terrorism" of October 2017 that has made several of state of emergency features permanent and that primarily affected Muslims (take a look at the Council of State decisions on that matter).
11- I am concerned that this new law will repeat the same mistakes, will ostracize Muslims even more, and that in the end, won't really help fighting this threat that is terrorism.
12- My fear is also that in the end, the issues goes beyond anti-Muslim bigotry: we are indeed witnessing an erosion of civil liberties and of human rights as a whole. I sincerely hope to be wrong.
14- one very last thing: I don’t have time to go into details right now, but it will be hard for this law to be fully deemed constitutional and many amendements will probably have to be revised (again just a prediction here).
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