i renamed my prophecy guide “Os(Iris)” for the new / current god of the the Underworl via Egyptian mythology. Anubis is the original god &&. while it makes the most sense for Anubis to be the Prophecy’s guide’s name with the literal mask being a dog / jackal’s head...
Anubis seems... overrated to me. everyone is calling it / him Anubis. but considering Anubis isn’t the God of the Underworld, but actually serves now as one of the judges, Os(Iris) makes more sense to me. The Prophecy guide lives in a cave in the Isle of Dawn. a cave which
has JUST now been learned about if you think about the chronology of Sky LITERALLY. now consider the story of Osiris. he was tricked by his jealous brother Set for the throne of Egypt, locked in a coffin / sarcophagus for ?? idk a very long many years. the sarcophagus was
eventually rediscovered BUT, Osiris was dismembered, stitched back together and sent to the Underworld. Osiris was tucked away in a coffin for years. somehow i want to connect this to the Prophecy guide being holed up in the cave in Isle for a very long time.
he returns with unknown and new knowledge for the sky children and the elder-appointed guides alike. Rei, the original and initial seasonal guide, steps down from his position of authority over the seasonal guides (lightseekers, enchantment, etc) much like Anubis steps down
for Osiris once he enters the Underworld. idk if this a stretch, but i actually like this idea of calling my Prophecy guide: Osiris, despite the blatant appearance similarity to Anubis.
ngl i reread this and none of it made sense.
Os(Iris) is also such an anomaly in my ideas since Ebisu, Katsu, Tanima are all Japanese-inspired names. ie. Katsu meaning win / victory &&. Tanima meaning valley and canyon. Osiris is an ?? Egyptian ?? name. 🤡 but again, the Japanese word for prophecy is “預言” or “yogen”.
that just sounds ridiculous. same as Ebisu’s name. Ebisu / 夷 means “warrior” (also the Japanese God of fishing LMFAO) but not warrior in the majestic way (Ebisu is the finest character so idk what i was thinking here (?)) warrior in the barbarian sense.
but this may have been my personal sloppiness getting in the way & mixing it up. Hayashi, my forest guider, calls upon Ebisu as a brute or a barbarian. i may have accidentally given [Ebisu] him the nickname she gave him as his actual name instead.
the word for Wasteland in Japanese is “あれち/arechi” but like... again with the Prophecy thing — i don’t like the way that sounds. howeVER: the word for Abandoned Land is “捨て地”. “捨て(る)” meaning abandon or throw away, and “地” meaning earth or ground” - not to be confused
with “土” which means “soil”. anyways, “sutechi” doesn’t sound like a horrible name ofc, except that it’s irregular grammar technically ? because it’s a verb “捨て(る)” and a noun “地” smashed together. but idk, when Japanese artists draw Wasteland ikemen, they usually refer to
him as “Sutechi / すてち” which, again is so irregular that if you try and translate with no knowledge on Japanese — it won’t have a translation/definition. “Sutechi” in Hiragana (すてち) has no meaning, it’s the Kanji form of it “捨て” / すて and “地” / ちthat gives it meaning.
anyways... 🤡 all of the words for Wasteland sound bad &&. at the time when creating my Wasteland guide, i didn’t know the Japanese people called the Golden Wasteland: the Abandoned Lands, so i turned to the next best thing i saw the Wasteland guide as: a soldier, or a warrior.
夷 / Ebisu roughly translates to a warrior who is brutish and unsophisticated. a nicer name for Ebisu should’ve been “soldier” or “senshi” but even that didn’t sound good for a name. like i said earlier, Ebisu might’ve been the name that Hayashi assigns to him (Wasteland guide)
as a cruel jab for his “barbaric” ways, despite Ebisu being, for the most part, a very gentle and polite person. looking further though, 夷/Ebisu also means “samurai”, so i think maybe? this wasn’t me mistaking Hayashi’s cruel nickname for his name, it’s actually my true intent.
because also! i did list a name down that Hayashi calls Ebisu as, which is: “野蛮/やばん” or “yaban”. can be translated to “savage and uncivilised.” Hayashi is a very steadfast, formal, and mature woman who does not like violence. she belongs to the forest and doesn’t appreciate
Ebisu’s “war”-like home or aspects. but she’s just stereotyping him since his respective elder and land was formely a battleground and a place of pollution and industry, where as her home - the forest , is a place of natural growth and peace.
bruh anyways, 🤡🤡 Ebisu’s name became final as it means (or is supposed to mean, in my personal preference:) “samurai”. not what i originally wanted but i actually am super attached to him & the name now so idc about discrepancies regarding Ebisu and the Wasteland anymore LMFAO.
also “海老/えび” or “Ebi” which is the first half of Ebisu’s name means shrimp 🤡🤡 which is what the fucking dragons look like. so if you ask me, i’m pleased that whatever the fuck happened whilst created Ebisu and giving him a name — i’m glad it’s Ebisu and not anything else.
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