Wasted a lot of my time but I'm passionate about FMA and finding things that "aren't there" so here we go, looking at this one circle which for some reason has a weird "string like" element.

So I looked into it.

Let's start with the basics. Sun in the middle, spiral going out of it enclosed in a circle. This is pretty easy to figure out as the representation for the universe, Amestris, the observable realm of action. At the center is most likely Father, the tyrant pulling the strings.
Cross inside of a circle, classically representing the individual, let's imagine it's Ed for now. We see him trying to go on a kind of similar "journey" in his spiral, except something goes wrong and he veers off course. Also there are two 6 pointed stars along his way and sun?🤔
Why the journey? It's one of the meanings of spiral, journey and change in life
Six pointed star? It's a doozy to figure out, here I'm interested in one of ancient original meanings for it being "Creation". So for my purposes I imagine those as moments of "human transmutation".
There are 2 other points of interest on his path, let's take a look.
The symbol on the first one is hard to figure out since it's obstructed by Ed's line, from those 2 "legs" sticking out and other symbols on the same line being alchemical ones I tried guessing what it could be:
(1) Looking at basic alchemical symbols I found this one for "Lead" that has very similar two "legs" and it was associated with death, decay. So building my assumption this may be the point when Trisha Elric, Ed and Al's mother dies.
(2) After, the "road" goes through the circle, which is the common symbol of totality, wholeness, original perfection, self, infinite, God etc.
And it could seem as a point when Ed became determined to resurrect his mother to restore that "wholeness" in his life.
This is the point where his road goes off the normal spiral path and instead jumps out to the very edge of being, outside of the known realm surrounded by the world circle, right to the edge of the outer circle(spiritual?) where the first human transmutation takes place.
After the failed attempt to go beyond his realm of competence, a crushing failure and a punishment from God for his arrogance, Edward is cast out into full chaos, outside of any system he is struggling to even understand what happened to him, let along what he should do next.
I will allow myself to skip his reentry a bit since I don't want this TOO long(haha, as if🤪). Let's jump to the point where his path briefly scrapes the symbol for silver, meaning value. Could this be discovering the truth about the "stone" and what value it really holds?
Next "event" on his journey is passing through the Sun(!) which in our universe is Father. This is where he learns the truth behind the Amestris, Father's plans and all-encompassing influence. Among other things not of first importance to this thread atm.
After that comes another super interesting part, we come to the second human transmutation, when Ed recovered his brother's body.(And did A LOT of other things not for this thread).
You were wondering when will I touch on that one circle I never quite addressed right? Well now:
You see, that circle is very interesting since it holds ZODIAC signs. That are situated there in "chronological" order through it's circumference. Do you know the sign covered up by Ed's 6 pointed star? Cancer. Do you know meanings for cancer? Well one of them is: Solar Eclipse🤔
What we have here is a laid out story of Edward through the events of the manga/anime foreshadowing key components such as: mother's death, desire to be whole again, attempt at taboo, wondering in chaos, gradual return to order(skipped for space), learning the value of life,
encounter with the center of the world in Hohenheim/Father representing its good will and malevolence/arrogance at it's absolute extremes(maybe thread later), learning and overcoming that, achieving his refined goal at solar eclipse.
Only half of the cover for chapter 1. Neat huh
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