I kept thinking sana, nayeon, nicki minaj, and natalie portman all looked alike in the face and so i believe they all have uttara phalguni. Nayeon is uttara phalguni sun but the other three are uttara phalguni moon. Elle fanning (UP Moon) also bears some resemblance to natalie!
Nayeon and Natalie
Sana and Nicki
Seems like the uttara phalguni look is big fluffy cheeks, a bright and WIDE smile with long teeth, and a long nose that starts off very narrow at the bridge and gradually becomes more fanned out and triangular/bird-like at the tip. The nose looks very long from the side too.
I noticed UP women really like the color “soft pink” and other super soft and feminine backgrounds to put behind their more blunt/refined personalities. I also see lots of flower headpieces being worn; i believe UP is also related to the garden of eden story like mrigashira.
Some moreeee
UP really seem to like wearing headpieces in general actually
More soft pink on uttara phalguni sun Kareena Kapoor!
Uttara Phalguni is the cow yoni and cows like to sit in the meadow and just relax and bask in the sun!
The girl group twice (which nayeon is like the leader of) debuted when moon & ketu were in uttara bhadrapada & rahu in uttara phalguni. Both cow yonis so the theme of roaming around garden-like/meadow-like areas pops up. Also the blunt lyrics w soft, floral, & girly backgrounds.
Also interesting that Nayeon is called “the center of twice” and her uttara phalguni sun is conjunct the group’s rahu in uttara phalguni.
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