Today in history
Today marks one of z darkest days Ethiopia remembers with horror & reflection. Late evening of Saturday 23 Nov. 1974 60 high ranking personalities of the H.I.M. govt were machine-gunned by z brute Ethiopia’s Provisional Military Administrative Council-PMAC. 1/n
A day before the massacre, on 22 Nov., the PMAC decided to arrest General Aman who had been chairing the 120-member military Council that oversaw the 'peaceful' departure of the Monarch without a single death until this fateful day. 2/n
He must have had predicted that the worst was coming and decided to confront the arrestees as a dignified General and waited inside his house, armed, and fully decorated with his military attire. 3/n
A fight broke out that would last for two hours, as reported in the New York Times on 24 Nov., to finally see this wonderful man, a moderate and brave general caught, but dead as he wished for. 4/n
This day, which later named as ‘Black Saturday’ was a U-turn in the bloodless revolution with its motto ‘ያለምንም ደም፣ ኢትዮጵያ ትቅደም’. The Derg had summarily executed 29 civilians and 31 members of the military. The New York Times had named the victims the next day. 5/n
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