So much this

Fair enough my boyfriend at the time was 18 and I was 16, but a) we were both teenagers and still went to school and b) there was hardly a gap between us
But no according to my stupid peers that was "wrong" and so he was labelled a pedo, I was called a slag/slut, etc. by one of my "friends" and people would constantly say "She's too young!!" when I fucking wasn't and was going to be turning 17 that year anyway, so??
Also I should point out that those people were HYPOCRITES because I know some of them were dating people from a year or two below. But because we weren't part of the "popular" group, it suddenly wasn't right and we were bad people for it 🤦‍♀️
It didn't help that one of the lame "student managers" (whose job was basically to "help" bullied kids but then go on to ignore the problem later) told us off for sitting on the bench and holding hands, and I'm just?? We were just HOLDING HANDS
We weren't touching each other inappropriately or even kissing, just holding hands and that was it. But according to them we were "setting a bad example for the younger ones" when 9/10 times I'm sure they probably wouldn't give a shit (and they never did)
Honestly as crappy as college was in the end, I am SO glad I got out of school when I was 16 and no one once batted an eyelid over my relationship at the time
I honestly felt like I was in prison at school sometimes. Another example of the "popular" bunch getting better treatment was appearance. Apparently I was wearing "too much makeup" in year 9 for wearing black eyeshadow and that was it. No foundation, concealer, lipstick or-
anything else - just black eyeshadow. Yet, those silly "support" teachers insisted it was too much and forced me to remove it. Keep in mind, there were girls wearing layers of foundation, too much mascara and pale lipstick and got away with it?? Why should I be punished over-
literally ONE layer of eyeshadow and they can go off and look however they want?? How is that fair?? It honestly screws with your self esteem to see teachers protecting those kind of kids (especially as a lot of them were bullies) but gives you stick because you're not part of-
the "cool" group - it really made my blood boil

I kinda went off topic on this thread 😅 but the point of it still stands on how stupid and hypocritical these kids and some of the teachers were when it came to treatment of certain people at school
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